Saturday, 28 June 2014

Hello and welcome back
I have been busy in the pro kitchen this week
I of course rounded up some lovelies 
This from Vintage Camper 
Eleanor is a bright fresh artist
I have very little knowledge of the artists work 
However I have noticed she stands out 
Eleanors work is some what dark but I have a deep fascination
with the weird and wonderful 
See more here 
Tonight's pudding 
Peaches slow roasted in honey and mint with

 sugar/cinnamon almonds 

We made the back garden all

Think power think positive 

Croque madame 

 in le marais

A lovely recent link via Twitter with these 
Vintage folks

There's a bloom in my house
The local floral boutique must be empty now
Sunflowers from my partner
Flamingo pink roses what's a girl to do
They are stunning
In an oh so vintage jug that my partner bought me lovely colours too!

I am not called The Early Bird 
for nothing you know

I am part of a local/nation wide and worldwide 
scheme that re-builds our communities 
I do work within my community and it is wonderful
I meet a lot of people
One of those people is the lovely lady Maria,Maria is Greek
Let me tell you about Maria,she is beautiful what a heart warming smile
So she now lives near by so she came over this morning 
I made a breakfast, we had a spiced pear drink I made,Fruits from my garden and tea 
Of course!
See more here 
Okay okay and brunch
I do adore pickles so here are my very own pickled onions with an array 
of cheeses,cured meats gherkin tomato and one hand pick up salad 
with cucumber,spring onion extra virgin olive oil sea salt and cracked black pepper
With a hot kick (some like it hot and that would be me)with Tabasco
Of course I did lunch for my partner this morning 
Roasted beef red & spring onion salad with a horseradish & cracked black pepper mayo
Then dinner happened 
Roasted bacon chop,glazed carrots roast red 

onion/garlic with roasted potato

There is a god awful light fitting in our hall
Soon that will all change
A stunning yellow with a crisp white with painted floors
Here's some decor inspiration 
With this as a beautiful centre piece 
in my hallway
Painted with love locally
My cat Tinkerbell

Tipsy Darling?
Not yet 
Here are some small treats

Boozy Red, White, and Blueberry Cheesecake Pops

This link

Gave us this
Then there was this from Harper's Bazaar
NYC's 6 chicest bakeries
Be strong be bold and most of all
Believe in YOU!
Make sure you read this
Me and my adoring partner Ade
Celebrate your relationship
Here are secrets to a happy Marriage
I'll only ever marry once and make it work
Marriage is an binding of two people who should in my eyes always be together
Love and life
Trollies are not just for drinks
This from Sfgirlbybay
Also more here
This lovely Vampire Weekend cover
Heart these guys 
This Image of me last year
These Facebook links

This powerful link

Do you really need to reap revenge?
Is it that important to you that you "think" you come out on top?
Is it not a little classless,bitter,childish with a pinch of jealousy in there
We all know it is darling
It is all the things you want people not to think you are not.
Food for thought Darling let that anger go and start being happy

Isn't it better to be yourself than 

being a try hard?

No-one likes some one faking some one else
Don't define your self as someone's shadow
Don't pretend you are something your not
Be you after all is it that bad?
These lovely peonies I picked up
I was going to see a friend who's recently had an op and thought to take her flowers and cakes
Flowers from 
Then of course cake from
Get better soon Sarah x x x 

You don’t have to wait for an apology to forgive(I always forgive people who do me wrong I don't do grudges I let it go move on live life happier forgiving is forgetting)..It’s not other people’s job to love you; it’s yours..What you own is not who YOU are..You will only ever live the life you create for yourself

A lovely link with 
Hulls finest 
Bud sugar
They hit a high with this
They asked me to their next event in MY beloved 
@SydellFaith BudSugar at FRUIT FRI/04/JULY + MING CITY ROCKERS!! tickets only £4! love to cya there sydell
Our city intends to party for
Hull City Of Culture bid win
Oh dear oh dear
Stalking an ex after you have blocked them on Facebook
There is a time when dear you have to simply admit defeat give up and move on
Trawling the internet trying to find their latest photo
What they have been up to with their new partner and then bitch about them.
It's just all very creepy darling it's now time to move on
This from MY city
Hull's 100 centenary Lord Mayor's Parade is on this Saturday 28th June. 
Everyone welcome.
If you want to choose something to wear from the iota visual arts collection of masks and Little Giants, meet Steve at 10.30 at the Wilberforrce statue, Queens Gardens. Parade starts at 11am. 
Hull City of Culture celebrations begin after the parade in Victoria Square at 12am

7 ice cream pies to make your summer party

 even cooler

This from
Then this from my house
Bohemian style

Bride-to-be? You need to download these

wedding planning apps asap

This simply is not true buy local and use the talented people who need your support phone apps for finding things for your wedding not only reads cheap tacky and classless it also reads un imaginative boaring and let's face about as interested as a goldfish
Sorry about the swearing
We had an epic night and a late night drive

  home  after an amazing

 night.Weller was so spellboundingly 

spectacular — with Adrian Atkinson 

Also of course lots of coffee cakes and treats at 

Wagon's Coffee Bar