This Is Why Rejection Hurts (And How To Cope)
Rejection is something we face in life,dealing with it in a more refined dignified manner means the situation is better for everyone involved.
People deal with rejection in a whole host of ways on the whole people I know take it on the chin and move on and fast.
However there are elements of society that seem to struggle with rejection on a whole other level.
Rejection involves pain a bruised ego and then the wonder of what other people think.Now for the people with a huge ego and desperation to appear on the surface of cool kind and everyones cup of tea this would hit disaster mode.
A scorn person seeks revenge when they have been rejected by the most smallest thing or person.
They feel everyone should like them because they have manipulated everyone to one way or another.
A person who struggles with such an issue has a whole other ball game playing on several fields.
Playing the victim when you have been rejected is a classic cliche and lets face it they are boring and way past there best.The screaming gets louder the lies get bigger and pretty soon people will stop listening to it and you.
There perception of reality is warped... In real terms not everyone can like you want to be friends with you or be attracted to you. It's nothing personal people just like what they like.
It's the same as I said before maybe there is scope to self evaluate...
Why am I not likeable is there anything I can do to change?
Do I own what I do?Am I authentic?
Own being rejected... hold your head high and realise doing anything else is not a great look on anyone.
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