Monday, 10 March 2014

What Does Your Beauty Weigh?

Love yourself!
Be the true you not the fake you you pretend to be darlings....
How many women I see being fake cringing in their own skin so much so that their skin looks bad through the stress of being desperate to be thin smoking drinking and doing anything but what needs to be done.
Which is eating well not skipping meals drinking well and not knocking back the gin because you skipped lunch sweetie.
Be healthy quitting smoking is great and good for you but the years and years of heavy chain smoking shows in your skin teeth and body these effects takes years to fade.
Drinking a cocktail is wonderfully glam but a drinks trolley screams one thing.(knock knock)
There are realities to growing older taking care of yourself  and making sure you have balance is the key.
Be beautiful be real.You can be uber cool (uber being ironic of course and something a ten year old says nothing with uber in is cool or fashionable it shows your age ladies) a little less of everything goes along way.
Fillers can only do so much as can make up only cover short term too much of either screams cover up faking up.

Remember Ab Fab is a comical television show not a bible for real life.
You go by the show then your doomed to be mocked and laughed at Darlings.
It is very funny and me and my mum used to watch it but you take this with a pinch of sat not live by it.
It is very easy to be a clich'e and even harder to break out of it and get back to being you.
Patsy is fictional she's mocking she's funny but you know what for the wrong reasons.
Remember that.

Here is another example of something funny with a comical saying " So Fetch"
a film I actually like too.

I love being in my skin I love myself I adore my look and my confidence can't be knocked because I know my worth.
You can have this too ladies what are you waiting for?

Be true to your sisters and love each other equally.

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