Our first Holiday abroad was to Biarritz in the South of France!
First holiday together.... taking books?Really?
Being needy?Oh come on!
Thinking of his feelings.... erh yes you are on holiday together!
This was taken in a cocktail bar in Covent Garden on our first trip to London together!
I am not sure why anyone would take a book on holiday let alone a first one with someone.
Firstly books are for when you have nothing left to say in a relationship it's dead nothing left to say don't want to be around each other so oh I know let's take ten million books on holiday rather than see stunning places.
As for nagging "I can't eat here I can't go there"
Holidays are great fun and most of all there to be with the ones you love or even alone enjoy actually.I sit on the beach and enjoy the peace and being around people just being happy!
FOR EXAMPLEhttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/15/buddhist-cave-temples_n_4775101.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000009
This is the hotel room on our first trip to Barcelona a very chi'c stunning hotel!

Pina Colada on the beach front casino at Biarritz what's to nag about and there was no books here just plenty of F U N! Oh and sunshine food drinks art music surf love and beaches.
I do not get this article here goes have a read.http://www.marieclaire.co.uk/blogs/545533/8-rules-to-obey-when-holidaying-with-your-partner-for-the-first-time.html?utm_campaign=8rulestoobeywhenholidayingwithpartnerforfirsttime&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social
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